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Automotive Direct Mail

Automotive Direct Mail

Barely a day goes by when I don't get a phone call with a dealer on the other end of the phone that wants to do an automotive direct mail campaign that starts the conversation with the question, “What’s Hot?” While this question can sometimes be easily answered simply based on which automotive direc...
Join our new incentive program

Join our new incentive program

We’re now offering dealerships and affiliates to receive commissions on any purchases made from any leads provided to AutoMailMall. Contact us to receive a unique code that your referrals can use to receive a small discount. That code will inform us that you supplied the leads and in turn you will r...
Making Direct Mail, Digital

Making Direct Mail, Digital

There are so many ways to greatly enhance the results of your direct mail campaign. PURLs, IVRs, QR Codes, Texting, Call Center, VM Drops, and IP Targeting are all excellent ways to gather information and instantly discover hot leads in your area. Each is useful in different situations, but if you’r...